I have done other things beside gaze at the most handsome baby boy. I worked on a art quilt...I used the background that was going towards the scripture quilt. It now has black circles and half circles added to it.
I also went to lunch yesterday with two of my brothers and Dad. We went out for a fish lunch, then went and decorated my Mom's grave for her (what would have been) 85th birthday. My brother R bought beautiful pink roses. We also put tulips on our Grandparent H graves-right next to Mom and some of the roses on Great Aunt G's grave. The cemetery has taken down a building and some plantings, so it took us a while to find the graves.
Today, I am back to house cleaning, a sewing machine class this afternoon and getting ready to go to the Temple tomorrow morning. I have been working on my bio families genealogy for about 12 years now. There is about 4000 plus people in my bio-father's file. Lots of Temple work to do yet!
Congrats on your new grandbaby. I've got 2 married daughters, but no grandbabies yet...just my Purse Dog!
Daughter#1 lives in Utah and we are going to go see her at conference time (isn't that a Utah holiday?). She's taking us to see Logan temple.
I just hope it's not cold...I don't do well with the cold! Thanks for visiting my blog!
can't wait to see the quilt I do see the baby and he is beautiful I can not wait to see mine on the outside. All we have are him inside pictures. have a great weekend,
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