Sunday, April 29, 2018

Slow Stitch Sunday

I am starting a new
hand stitched project.

I have been invited to show
two Art quilts at the 
this upcoming October.

One of my projects is going
to be a recycle-upcycle piece.


The photo is color catcher sheets
(used in the laundry to catch 
color out of clothes)
I asked friends to use a color
catcher sheet, then return it to me.

The sheets are light gray to pinks
to blues to browns to greenish back.

I am going to cut out circles and
hand embroider them to batiks

I am also going to add recycled
tea bags. Here is a quick article on
one way to do it.

What are you slow stitching today?

1 comment:

Jill said...

Wow! That is quite the compliment to be invited to show your work at a show. Congrats and best wishes.