Sunday, November 30, 2014

I need to get caught up!

I think I will combine my
stash busting report with
my slow stitching report
this week.
I have done little stitching
or no stash busting, so this post
is short and sweet...
Stash busting same as 2 weeks ago.
Still slow (hand) stitching my
Trip around the World quilt.
I dislike posting without a photo,
so here is a photo of my new
storage unit in the studio
My studio and the storage unit
are still under construction.
The 2 units were originally one unit
from a beauty salon...very deep
drawers/cubbies. My Husband
cut it in half width wise and
made 2 units. They both need
backs now.
I vow that next week I will
have some kind of change
in my stash numbers and
progress on the quilt!!!!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Slow stitching on a snowy day

We got our first noticeable
snow fall last night, though
it is already melting off
the sidewalks this morning.
I am back to working
on my hand stitched
Trip Around the World
quilt...nice break between
sewing and knitting
Christmas gifts.
I am at row 30 of the 2 inch
squares. The original project
by Brigitte Giblin (thru Facebook)
stopped at row 30. She did
post a diagram that shows how
to add more rows to make up
to a King size quilt. I think
I am going to continue on
and go for a King size. I
am also going to hand
quilt it.
Definitely a long term project!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Stash Busting report

I have switched from hand sewing
my quilt to knitting Christmas
gifts for my family.
I am a very slow knitter...I
probably did not give myself
enough time....
This is the main band of a
hat for my husband. You
knit it flat, add the top of
the hat, seam in down the
back, then finish knit it
on circular needles around
the bottom/cuff.
First time I have
attempted cables.
I want to do the 12 days
of Christmas for him, but I
am not sure how it is going
to work out.

I also did some sewing, but
nothing finished, so nothing
to report.

Fabric in this week: 0 yards
Fabric out this week: 0 yards

Total used: 3.5 yards
What are you working on?

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Slow stitching

I am back to working on my
hand pieced Trip Around the
World quilt.
I was going to stop at Row 30,
which is a large square lap
quilt, but I think I will go on
and make it a Queen size quilt.
With the squares finishing out at just
1.5 inches, this is going to be a long
term project. I'll hand quilt it when
it is done.
What are you working on?

Stash busting for 09 Nov

My numbers look so small now that I
have started a new 2014-2015 goal,
but I will just keep plugging along.
Yards in this week: 0
Yards out this week: 1.5
Total used to date: 3.5 yards
I made two bags for my granddaughters
birthday. The gift theme was bags/purses.
Left to Right:
Purse to hold nail polish...she isn't a little girl anymore,
but not quite a teenager either.
Bag to hold her books...this child reads constantly!
Bag to hold her craft projects....she is learning to
Onto sewing for Christmas......

Monday, November 3, 2014

Design Wall-03 Nov

I haven't posted a design wall status
for months, mostly because I either
did not have anything on the wall,
or I could not share it on my blog.
I have joined my guild BOM project
which began in September. I don't
piece traditional blocks much anymore,
so this is going to be challenging
for me.
This is the center block-36 inches
The finished quilt is going to be
King size, I think. It's a mystery
quilt, but with a center that big....
The center was Septembers block,
and this is Octobers block-
16 inch.
Don't look too close at the points.
They are not going to all match
up. Oh in progress!
What are you working on?

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Slow stitching-Nov 2

My slow stitching goal for
October was to finish
rows 25 and 26 of my
Trip Around the World quilt.
I accomplished my goal
AND finished row 27 too!
For November, my goal is to
finish rows 28 (red dot fabric
already started) thru row 30.
I also need to decide if I am
going  to continue on and
make a larger quilt or
stop and have a wall hanging.

New goal for stash report starts now!

I tend to set and work on goals from
September to August. Today, I
beginning my new stash busting
goal (Nov-Aug) of using up and/or
giving away 50 yards.
In this week: 0 yards
Out this week: 0 yards
New total: 0 yards
Yes, I did not sew this week.
BUT, I have a good reason..
No, an excellent reason....
My last child at home surprised us
(with 2 weeks notice) that she was
getting married! It was a lovely
ceremony with a nice judge in a
small town courthouse. Her husband
is a wonderful man.
My last child married...empty nest!
Which leads to my list for
November sewing goals:
Finish row 28-30 of the Trip around
the World quilt (and decide if I want
to keep going or make it a wall hanging)
Sew 7 pairs of Christmas jammies
Sew 7 grandkid library bags
(Christmas gifts)
Finish one UFO
Sew Guild BOM November block
Of course, I will most likely add to this list!

Friday, October 31, 2014

On the Needle

I am still working on a shawl
in the basket weave pattern.
I had planned to be closer to
finished then still at the beginning
of the pattern...but plans change when... daughter tells you she is
getting 2 weeks!
The ceremony was simple and
sweet with just the parents of
the bride and groom there.
So, now I guess I have lots
more time to knit and sew and
read, since Husband and I are
now empty nesters.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Stash Report-Oct 26

I made my goal!
I set a goal of using 50 yards
of fabric and I completed it!
I finished my granddaughters
purple birthday blankie....
...and that's the final yardage I needed!
Fabric in this week: 0 yards
Fabric out this week: 4 yards
Final goal-yardage used: 52 yards!
Of course, now I need to start a new
goal, as I follow a schedule of goals that
run September-August
(school teacher family schedule)
I think another 50 yards sounds do-able!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Stash busting report-19 Oct 2014

The last couple of days have been
wonderfully filled with hours of
sewing. The house looks messy
and our meals have been at odd
hours, but I have been happy!
I cannot count it towards stash
busting, but I finish a QOV top.
that will be going to Australia.
The talented lady who long-arms
my big quilts has been helping
get the Quilts of Valor program
going in Australia. She will be
speaking to groups there in April.
I also made a good start of my
Christmas sewing list. I can't
say what I made, since my kids
read this blog, but I can count the
used fabric!
Fabric in this week: 0 yards
Fabric out this week: 6 yards
New fabric used total: 48 yards.
Only 2 more yards to reach my
goal of 50 yards! Yes!!!!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Slow stitching Sunday

I continue to hand stitch
the Trip Around the World quilt
I posted about last week, but
this week, I am knitting for Sunday.
This is a basket pattern shawl
I started last year. It was put
away for months and months
while I recovered from
shoulder surgery.
It has a 4 row repeat that
knits up quickly. I have
finished 1 skein of yarn of
the 4 required for the shawl.
It is so nice to be able to
knit again without pain!

Stash Report-11 Oct

I did get a little sewing done
this week, but not as much
as I want too.
I made a few baby blankets
for charity using the
technique in this video.
It is quite easy and fast and
uses up smaller cuts of flannel.
(I would post blanket pictures, but someone
local may see it here on my blog)
Fabric in this week: 2 yards
Fabric out this week: 6 yards
New total of yards used: 42 yards

Friday, October 10, 2014

On the Needle-Oct 10

I have not posted "On the Needle"
status for months since I had
shoulder surgery and haven't
knitted for over 6 months.
Well....I'm back.
Finally able to knit for a
while without wanting
to cry...or rip back rows
of mistakes (never knit
while on pain killers)
I am continuing with my
blue basket shawl I started
last year.
I am one skein in on a
4 skein shawl.
What is On the Needle at your house?

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Stash Busting-05 October

Fall. Cool nights. Warmish days.
Time to start some Christmas
gifts. Time to enjoy indoor time.
I went to a great knit getaway
in the Utah mountains last
week. I made 13 fabric
project for each lady.
I also made 2 flannel blankets
for my nieces new baby.
It has felt good to sew so much!
Fabric in over last 2 weeks: 10 yards
Fabric used last 2 weeks: 18 yards
Fabric used YTD: 38 yards
Goals for October:
Sew 5 PJ bottoms
Sew 5 Library book bags
Finish one UFO:
Art quilt started Sept 2014
Hand sew rows 25 & 26 on
Trip Around the World Quilt
What projects are you working on?

Slow Stitiching Sunday

Fall has finally come to my little
part of the World. Cool nights
and warmish days. Perfect
weather for slow stitching!!!
Working on my Trip Around the World
quilt. All hand sewn. As of Row 24,
it has 1201-1.5 inch (finished) squares.
The group I am doing this with ended
the challenge as of September 30th,
but I am going on. The green dot
fabric row (shown at the bottom of
the photo) is Row 25.
What is your slow stitching project?

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Trip Around the World-Row 23

I am currently on Row 23 of my
Trip Around the World project
(thru Bridgit Giblin Facebook group)
We were suppose to finish Row 30
last week, but I am behind.
I am very much enjoying the
relaxed hand sewing process.
Friends ask how much larger I am
going to make it. I don't know.
I haven't put a deadline on this
project. It will be finished when
I feel like it is.
Also, sewing with 2 inch squares,
it will take a very long time to
create a very large quilt.
What is your Slow Sunday Stitching?

Finally...some changes in my numbers!

I have a knit retreat with my local knit
group coming up soon.
I made 13 fabric project bags,
so each knitter will have a small
gift to carry her current knit project.
Used this week: 13 yards
Purchased this week: 10 yards
Used for 2014: 30 yards
I am continuing to sew on my
Trip Around the World project
I was suppose to finish Row 30
this last week, but I am just
beginning Row 23.
Sewing 2 inch squares, this is going
to take a while. I am not sure how
much more I am going to sew. It
is very relaxing and I am enjoying
the process of hand sewing.
This weeks goals:
Start/sew a QOV
Cut Rows 25-30 for TAW
Sew 4 Christmas Presents
(Library book bags for grandkids)
What are you current projects?

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Slow Sunday stitching

This is my first time posting as
part of the Slow Sunday stitch group.
Sunday is my day of rest,
so slow stitching fits the day!
I am part of a group project
on Facebook who are creating a
Trip Around the World quilt
completely stitched by hand.
I started the project back in early Summer
while I was recovering from surgery.
Technically, I am behind...I
am suppose to be finishing out
at about Row 30, but am at Row 20.
The fabric I am currently using is a
gift fabric from another member of
the project.
We are also all using a red dot fabric
throughout the quilt.

Back in the swing of blogging

One of my goals for this next year period
is to blog more often, so I
think a stash report is the perfect
way to do it.
This week in: 2 yards
This week used: 1 yard
New total: back to 27 yards used.
I also want to start posting my sewing goals
for the upcoming week. I have seen
others do this, and it seems to keep
them motivated and accountable.
Sept 8-14:
1.Sew each day during (September) National
Sewing Month.
2,Sew 1 knit project bag (pink with brown bottom)
3. Cut out 5 more knit project bags.

4.Hand sewing on Trip Around the World
project on Facebook.

What projects are you working on?

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Happy National Sewing month

September is National Sewing month.
I am setting the goal to sew every single day.
Hand piecing my Trip Around the World Quilt
Finishing an UFO project
Making Christmas jammies
Creating Christmas gifts
Want to join me?

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Ready for a new adventure

I took the Summer off from blogging
and many of my other regular activities.
But...I'm back and ready to have
a new adventure.
So...first...end of Summer Stash Report:
Fabric in...maybe 10 yards
Fabric out...maybe 10 yards.
That means I am still at about 27 yards
of fabric used doing 2014
Part of my new path is I am
ready to accomplish some goals
I have put off for quite a while...
some goals for years and years.
My youngest child is getting married
in the next few months and we, the
Mister and I, will be emptynesters!
Some folks set goals with the New Year.
I am married to a school teacher, so
our schedule tends to follow a
September-August period.
Some of my goals I am planning are
1. Lose weight: I know...everyone has that goal. I
am about 100 lbs overweight, so I need to lose, no matter
what. It's a health issue. I need energy to live the life I want too.
2. Finish a UFO each month: I'll add a list here next week.
3. Read my scriptures everyday: I read the Book of Mormon
over the 100 days of Summer vacation. On to the Bible..
4. Clean out my storage: I have cleaned out holiday décor, but
the food/camping/clothing/don't know where to put it
storage has taken over one huge room down stairs.
5. Use it up-make it do: Like many of us have been
fabric stash busting, I have way too much fabric and it
needs to be used up. A few years ago, I went 1 year without
purchasing any fabric, and I am going to do it again.
There will be more goals, I know, but this is a good start for
Sep 2014. If any of you have had experience trying to
accomplish these changes, please share any tips or helps!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

I have fabric to count

I sewed a project bag for a dear friend
in my knitting group, who is moving
away this week.

I used 1/2 a yard of fabric, so

Fabric used YTD: 27.5 Yards.

No new fabric in.

I nearly completed my fabric challenge
project for my city's Heritage celebration
next month...still needs quilting.

I am continuing to work on the
Trip around the World challenge
on Facebook.

(Yeah...the photo actually worked this time!)
What are you working on?
How's the stash busting going?

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Stash Busting

Ah ha...I have sewn this week!

First time in 2 months.
I made 4 blocks for a charity quilt
my quilt guild is donating to the
Primary Children's auction (Utah).
I nearly finished the top for my
cities fabric challenge....
pictures to follow.
I completed my first 9 rows of
a Trip Around the World challenge.

(Argh...can't post a photo!)
I didn't finish anything, so I don't
count it in the stash busting.
Still at 27 yards busted!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Stash Report-15 Jun 2014 changes!
I was planning to work on some great
sewing projects...quilts....dresses...
but, life got in the way.
I am going back to my goal of sewing
a minimum of 30 minutes a day again.
Still at 27 yards busted!
I am participating in a Trip around
the World project on Facebook.
I have completed the first 9 rounds for June.

On a side note:
Happy Fathers Days!!!
How are you doing on your stash busting?

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Stash Report

No new finished projects.
No fabric purchases.
Number busted still at  27 yards!
I did begin a new project this week.
I joined
Brigitte Giblin's Trip Around the World Challenge
on Facebook.
Hand piecing a Trip Around the World Quilt
in the old traditional way.
It has been a great project to do as I
still sit at home recovering from surgery.
In other news....
I was registered for both classes I wanted
at the Utah Quilt Guild Fest
coming up in September.
The Fest is being held close by my
home, so it will be a quick 20 minute
drive to go to classes and the vendors mall.
I am really excited to go this year!
Do you have plans for a Fest or Classes this year?

Sunday, June 1, 2014

I have spent the week detoxing
my body from the overload of
drugs and pain meds from surgery
3 weeks ago, so.....
No sewing!
My stash busting still stands at 27 yards.
I have thought about sewing a lot this week
as I lay in the recliner.
Ready to be back to sewing
and knitting
and back to my life.
How are you doing...projects....finishes?

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Stash report AND the beginning of the 100 days of Summer

Two months later....long story condensed into a few lines.
Shoulder surgery that went different than planned...
Longer recovery...
Kind of planning daughters wedding...
Revamping some major parts of my life. are all caught up!
Now...onto the stash report:
Over the last two months, I have used about 20 yards
on 5 charity quilts (2 QOVS-3 Family Shelter)
Adding that to my March total,
I stand at used 27 yards.
Low usage...need to get back to the studio!
Lastly...100 days of Summer starts today
and ends on Labor Day (September 1)
I am feeling very motivated to get some
project and goals done and off the to-do list.
Some of my random goals and/or plans...
Wear a skirt every day during June.
Complete my Physical Therapy on my shoulder
No TV viewing  for entire month
Go to the Utah Shakespeare festival with my Husband.
Go camping at least once a month.
Finish multiple UFO'S/
How about you...what are your plans for the Summer?

Sunday, March 30, 2014

I am back...
After months of not posting...
Life got in the way...
I think there is finally a break in the roller coaster ride I call my life!
The main reason's I haven't posted:
1.New computer that still has problems
2.Health problems
3.Daughter getting married
The daughter getting married isn't really a problem...just a very busy time for the entire household!
So, here's my first stash busting report for 2014
Fabric used: 9 yards
Fabric purchased: 1.5 yards
Total busted:7.5 yards.
I did not set a specific goal of how many yards I wanted to use this year. I also will probably be only posting a monthly stash busting report.
How are you doing in your creating?