Wednesday, December 29, 2010

5 hours later...

I got the book, "Feathered Friends",
by Jette Norregaard Nielsen
for Christmas from my Husband (Thanks Honey!)

Birds are a strong theme in my art plans for 2011.
I decided to  try the seagull pattern.

Oh my!
63 pieces....
7 X 9 inch block...
5 hours!
(making copies, cutting out paper units
cutting fabric, sewing, pulling off paper)

And the result...

(he doesn't have an eye yet)
I like the block, but I am NOT doing another one!

I have another pieced block of a seagull
that is more square and abstract.
I think I will try that one tomorrow.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Final StashBusting report for 2010

Wow...what a year!

I started off very slow at the beginning of the year,
 but came very close to my goal in the end!

Fabric in this week: 0 yards

Fabric out this week: 11 yards
(small quilt, apron, 2 nightgowns, Jammie bottoms, donation bag of fabric)

Fabric goal to use for 2010: 100 yards

Fabric used in 2010: 93 yards

I'm pretty happy with myself, despite not reaching my goal.
Thank you to Judy at patchworktimes 
for the great fabric challenge she has had this year!

How did you do in 2010?

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Previewing new disdes

I have had the same very bright yellow and purple
dishes for about 15 years now.

I still like my dishes,
but after 3 kids and 3 grand kids,
they are pretty chipped and sad looking.

I purchased a service of 8 salad plates.
The salad plate are off white with a brown swirl design around the edge.
Here are 3 possible combo's

Round pink dinner plate with a brown ribbon design  at the top

Square bluish-green plate with brown swirl pattern
Round orange dinner plate

I like them does my husband!

Finally..a finish!

I spent a few hours in the studio finishing
Christmas gifts.
It was a wonderful feeling to sew again.

This is a quilt for my Mother In Law.
It was suppose to be for her birthday,
but I am little late, so now it is a Christmas gift.

I wish the photo was better.
The center of each block has a printed message
from one of her children or grandchildren.

Happy I have a finish!
Now onto sewing grandchildren jammies
to wear on Christmas Eve.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Fabrc stash report

This weeks sewing....




I sang in the Community Choir on Monday,
and today I am leading the choir (for the first time) at Church.

I did manage to get my studio cleaned up
and organized this week tho.

I am hoping for some sewing to occur tonight!

How did you do this week?

Friday, December 17, 2010

UFO 12 month challenge

I am participating in the year long UFO challenge at

You list 12 UFO projects you would like to finish in 2011.
Each month Judy picks a number between 1-12
and the project listed with that number is the one you work on.
I have alot of UFO'S, so...

2011 UFO List:

1.Pink Vintage quilt-finish blocks, top and borders

2.Pine tree quilt-borders, send our for quilting, do binding

3.Christmas crazy 9-patch-finish blocks, top, borders, send out for quilting, do binding

4.Cheater cloth pinwheels wall hanging-borders, quilt it, bind it

5.Welcome wall hanging-quilt and bind it

6.Red 9-patch queen quilt-borders, send out for quilting, bind it

7.Log Cabin Christmas wreath-quilt and bind it

8.Utah State Fair challenge fabric-design pattern, sew top, quilt and bind wall hanging

9.Scrappy Flag wall hanging-quilt and bind it

10.Bear in the Farmhouse-send out for quilting then do binding

11.Mystery class quilt-send out for quilting and do binding

12.Yard sale Dresden plate quilt-borders, send out to be quilted, do binding

I am looking forward to a year of many finished quilts!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Fabric Stash Report

Only 2 more weeks to make my goal of 100  yards.
Am I going to make it?

Not at this rate!

Another week of no sewing.

Still at 82 yards.

At least I haven't bought anything new....

How about you?

Friday, December 10, 2010

Unusual Christmas Tree

I grew up with a very creative Mother.
She handmade a good majority our clothes.
She could see something in a used store
and it beautifully became something new.

Growing up, we had creative Christmas Trees.
One year we had a tree made from Pampas Grass plumes
(white with red ball ornaments-it was gorgeous!)
Another year we had a tree made from white Kleenex.
(chicken wire cone stuffed with tissues and the same red balls)

While she and my Dad lived in the Philippines
she acquired a Stick Christmas Tree.

The Tree is put together with sticks.
which have been individually hand painted.
The whole thing weighs a ton!

She decorated it with gold and white ornaments.

I inherited it when my Dad passed away last January.

Miss you Mom and Dad!

Monday, December 6, 2010

I dare you.... pet me!

He ease dropped on my phone conversation.
Found out he is getting fixed.

He is NOT happy!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Fabric Stash Report

No changes...

I had the best intentions, of course...

Too many other activities took over...

Make and Create goals the same for this week!

How did you do this week?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Last Bit off Fall

I was walking home from a friends funeral today,
when I spotted this....

...a few little fall leaves sticking out of the snow.

Beauty in simplicity

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

2011 make and create goals

I think I have my 2011 goals for making and creating all listed.

Of course, this list could change...
it usually does...


Besides trying a new technique each month,
I plan to make a few bird ornaments for our 2011 Christmas Tree decorations
The photo isn't the exact ornament but pretty close.
Each bird will have a  year printed on the bottom
to represent one year of our marriage.


I love vintage clothing!
My Mom use to make the majority of my clothing
(she worked for a clothes designer in the LA clothing market)
I use to make all my girls clothing when they were younger.
I have fallen into the "jeans and t-shirt Mom" look for too long now.
I want to also remake used clothing.

I am still learning and am VERY slow at knitting.
I am making a sampler stitch afghan.
I purchased multiple skeins of a green yarn and
have been doing one entire skein in one stitch.
I'm almost done with my second skein.
This may take an entire year....


I have set my fabric stash busting goal for 2011 at 100 yards.
Same goal I have had for 2 years now.

I want to find a group goal to take part in....
My local guild is doing a block project January-July....maybe...

I will be using some new techniques
to make a 5" block each week.
At the end of the year I will have a quilt
representing 2011.
So, those are my goals...
at least, this week...
they always change slightly...

What are your goals for 2011?

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Fabric Stash report

Yeah...I finally have something to count this week!

I donated a quilt to QOV made from
my red, yellow and blue scraps.
I forgot to take a photo-it was a pinwheel pattern.

Fabric in YTD: 103 yards

Fabric used this week: 3 yards

Fabric used YTD: 82 yards

Okay, so it was only 3 yards in the top,
but that's still a plus for

Goals for Nov 29-Dec 4

Make and Create:

Finish 2 sets of Jammie's (grandchildren)
Put names on 2 aprons (granddaughters)
Binding on Christmas gift quilt
Update stocking stuffer-gift list for family
Sign and mail Christmas cards
Start decorating the House

I hope you have a very productive week!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Future projects

I have two books that I would like to do
some of the projects from VERY soon.

I like a local artist,
Nancy Halverson's designs.
Ben Franklin's carries the wire frame
that goes with the monthly blocks from this book.

Tho I am still working on perfecting my knitting skills,
I find I am looking at more and more crochet patterns.
Since I know one of the grand babies coming in 2011 is a girl,
I would like to crochet the sweet little bonnet and booties
for her Church Blessing.
I plan to sew the Blessing gown...something long and lacy.

I need to compile my list of 2011 making and creating goals.
I have  some thoughts...
completing lots of UFOs...
Quilting the numerous tops waiting in the pile...
Sewing myself some new clothes, especially for our cruise.

What are some of your making and creating goals for 2011?
Please share....

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving Day 2010

I am so thankful for my family!

Daughter E and husband B
They're expecting their 2nd child
and our #4 grandchild (a girl) in May 2011

Grandson T with parents E & B

Son M and wife C
Parents of granddaughters K & H

Granddaughter-Miss H

Granddaughter-Miss H

Daughter T and Z
who are expect #5 grandchild in June 2011

Sweet Husband who does dishes!

Hope you had a wonderful day with
your family and friends!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Fabric Stash Busting Report

No changes, again...

I cleaned out many smaller boxes
for a couple of larger boxes
to store my UFO's in.

Passed on a large load of
my Mom's old craft stuff to charity.

Organized all my copies and patterns
into a workable system, so I can
hopefully find a pattern or idea when I need it.

Hope you have had a productive sewing week!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Birthday Party!

Happy Birthday to my Granddaughters!

Miss H-Age 4

Her sister, Miss K-age 6

They grow up so fast!

Big news-we are expecting not one, but two,
grand babies in 2011.
May and June are going to be busy months!
May baby is going to Miss May,
according to the ultrasound!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The changes are beginning...

My youngest moved out today.

I have a empty bedroom now.

We inherited her kitty, Boomer.

Changes, changes, changes.....

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Fabric Stash Report

No changes for me....

Fabric in YTD: 103 yards
Fabric used YTD: 79 yards

I just got a small quilt back from the quilters
that needs the binding, so I'll add that to next weeks totals.

Still cleaning out the studio....

Saturday, November 13, 2010

My Mother's Creativity

My Mom was an extremely creative person.
She baked,
she decorated,
she reused and recycled and remade
and she was a supreme seamstress!

I've been cleaning out alot of stuff in my studio
(it's just too cluttered to feel creative)
and I found this....

It's a flower corsage she made
from bird feathers

She attached a little bird below the flowers
and added a ribbon bow.

Such creativity!

(Sorry for the bad photos-had to use phone camera)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

How would you finish this quilt?

I got out this UFO project yesterday
as the rain and snow were falling outside
(and I knew I didn't want to be out in that weather!)

This is what the tree blocks look like and

This is how I am sewing the top together.

Border options:

A.Sew on the 4 corner 1/2 triangles so it is squared up and add a couple of borders(probably 3 borders)

B. Keep the angled corners and then add the 3 borders

C. Do you have another suggestion?

This is for our Queen sized bed. It will be nice to have another project off the UFO list and onto a bed!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Fabric stashbusting report

Woohoo-this week I have something to claim!
I've been sewing purses-totes for Holiday charities

Fabric in YTD: 103 yards
Fabric used this week: 4 yards
Fabric out YTD: 79 yards

I usually post my weekly goals here too,
but I haven't even planned my week.
I'll post them later.

Have a great week!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Not sewing related, but I need some help!

My Husband purchased a service of four of this pattern for me a few years ago.

He didn't want to purchase more in case I didn't like it.
I do like it for everyday but just never purchased any more.

Do you know a Internet site
that has past or discontinued utensil patterns?
He purchased it about 3-4 years ago.

Thanks for any help!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Scrap busting quick crazy 9-patch quilt

Wow, try saying that post title 3 times!

I have always wanted a gorgeous Christmas Quilt
for my Queen size bed,
but like most quilters, every time I think about my own projects,
I usually move on to something first for someone else.

I decided this year I was going to make a Holiday quilt just for me, no matter what!

I decided to do a simple crazy 9-patch, because
One: it's fast and easy
Two: it uses up scrap fabric really quickly and
Three: it's not a exact pattern you can mess up!

I took some photos to help explain:

Gather a minimum of 9 different fabrics in your choice of color.
It's nice if you have a few extra fabric selections to add here and there.

Cut a square of each fabric (same size).
Tip: the larger the beginning square the larger you final square will turn out.
I started with 12" inch squares-
When finished and trimmed they will be about 10.5".

Stack your squares in a neat even stack
Tip:You have to keep your squares in the stack in the same fabric order
throughout the cutting/sewing process or this method will not work for you!

Make your first cut at whatever angle you would like.
Having a super sharp rotary cutter is very helpful since you are cutting thru 9 layers
Remember: You have to keep the stack on the left side in order at all times!
Take the top piece of the right stack-move in to the bottom the the stack
Now sew a right stack piece to a left stack piece
Press seams towards outside edge of block.

Return pressed stack to cutting board, keeping it in order,
The side you just sewed should be on the the left side,
Make another long angled cut on the right side of the stack.
This time, remove the top 2 piece of the right stack
and place them on the bottom of the right stack
(the photo above shows I have rotated the 2 piece to the bottom)
Sew a right and left stack piece to each other
remembering to press the seams to the outside of the block.

Third cut is made after the stack is positioned with the
1st sewn piece at the top and the
2nd sewn piece on the bottom.
Make your right side cut again,
moving the top 3 pieces to the bottom of the stack.
Sew a right to a left side piece-press seams outward

For you last cut, position the square stack,
making your final long angled cut down the right side.
Move the top 6 right pieces to the bottom of the stack.
Sew a right and left piece together-press seams outward

If you kept your stack in the same order thru out the sewing process
you should have 9 blocks made up of the 9 different fabrics.

Trim up your blocks to your desired size and
join into a quilt of your desired size

I have not trimmed my blocks yet,
but laid out 3 blocks by 4 blocks so you could see what it looked like.

This would be a great quick pattern for
a baby quilt in fun children's prints
or a King sized quilt made out of your leftovers.

Thanks and enjoy!

Monday, November 1, 2010

It's gone!

Finally got in and had my hair cut!

Six inches gone!

Wow, do you feel a cold breeze?