Friday, April 4, 2008

I got tagged

I had to ask someone what getting "tagged" meant, because I got tagged by a fellow quilter blogger. I am to list 5 unknown/unusual things about me, Suzanne:

1.I am adopted and have met my bio mother and 3 of her 6 children. I talked to the bio father once on the phone for about 15 minutes. I have met 3 of his 9 children. Out of the total 15 children, two of us have the same bio parents(four bio mothers/one bio father=15 children)

2.I am terrified of being trapped underwater, like in a submarine.

3.I am not athletic, but married a man who is a wrestling coach and loves to play baseball.

4.I have a hard time driving a stick shift car-propably could in an emergency

5.I am a control freak about driving...I must drive everywhere we go...I have an understanding Husband!

Okay, so I am suppose to tag about my niece Marian!


Kaylene said...

Sorry, I deleted the last post on mine, I guess there was already a get together I missed the info on, hahaha! so I get my girls night without the planning Yay!

No, we don't think we'll come up this summer, we're debating on going to Florida for Jeff's wedding in July, or coming out in September for my Brother Nate's Homecoming from a mission in Guatemala.

Amy Skouson said...

So, I was thinking today that we ought to, sometime, sign up for an online fiber class together. It would be fun. Maybe this fall?