Thursday, September 27, 2018

I like

I like having the Internet

Everything has it's good and it's
bad qualities. I like to focus on
the good the internet provides me.

I can keep in touch with family
all over the World

I can learn something new from
someone's tutorial.

I can visit-view places.

I like surprise presents

Recently, I was given
a huge box of fabric (friend 
cleaning out her Mother's home)

Fun treasures for me and some
fabric (actually, most of the fabric)
to pass on to others to use.

I like a sense of Community

This past week, one of my
Husbands students passed on.
It is always difficult when a 
young person dies. 

Our community came together
and has taken care of one
another. We have talked, we
have mourned and we will
continue to watch over
one another.

For more "I Like" posts, go to 


LA Paylor said...

Oh Suzanne... about the passing of the young... so touching that you found connection in grief. It's probably the most important thing we could all do right now, find connections between us.
That fabric mountain got my heart racing. Just to dig through that would be exciting! In MD I had a friend who gave me bags of scraps, like manna from Heaven to me

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi Suzanne! Oh, that is so sad to have young people pass on. But the other side of that is your whole community pulling together. That really warms my heart. ~smile~ Roseanne

PaintedThread said...

I like your likes. How good to have a community to deal with a loss like that. It's especially hard with someone young.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

It's hard to imagine having a student in my class pass away - I hope your husband and the other students are doing okay. I feel like you do about the internet - it has good and bad sides, but we can benefit a lot from it! I've sure enjoyed the online quilting community since I began blogging!

Angie said...

I am sorry to hear about the death of a student, but I am glad that the community is supportive through the process. Your photo of the sunset/sunrise is a fitting tribute.