1.Organize first to see what you have-take an inventory-write it all down
2.Take photo's of your room/shelves/closet/drawers/furniture-keep photo's & inventory list somewhere safe outside your home. What should you list:

Patterns/Books:Again, the replacement price, not the sale price.
Quilt appraisals:The price to put on it is not the material and thread you have in it, but what would it cost you to PAY someone to reproduce it, including the cost of materials.
One thing she shared for bloggers....you can save your blog to a memory stick concerning your quilt post that show a completed quilt (size and description in post) and take it to your insurance man as proof of lost items.
I am giving myself a challenge....to inventory my sewing room over the next 30 days, including:
Sewing machines: 4
Equipments:rulers, rotary cutters, scissors, etc.
Thread:already done-107
Fabric:this is going to take time!
Patterns/Books: Oh my!
I am also going to have a couple quilts appraised at the Utah Guild Meeting in September (free service provided for up to 2 quilts per quilter)
Has anyone else already done this? Anyone want to take the challenge?
Some things are more scary than losing everything and not being to replace it . . like taking inventory and realizing how much I have! We do have extra insurance because of the longarm but I know it isn't nearly enough.
Do NOT tell me that is YOUR fabric up there in that photo,,, no I have not done this,, I will have ot take a look this weekend,,,,,
Good ideas there, I do have most of that documented on my blog.
Are we really sure we want to inventory 'everything' and find our how much we really have invested in our hobby? Kind of scary! I don't think I want my hubby to know how much I actually have here.
We just renewed our house and contents insurance and I am sure we would probably be out of pocket if something drastic happened....it is an interesting challenge .... we just looked at replacing say shoes/clothes and that replacement cost is horrendous....I will definately "take stock" in my sewing room over the weekend...looks like it is going to be wet and cold...yay...some winter weather at last!
Thanks for spreading the word about the importance of appraisals. If you don't have an appraiser value your quilting supplies & equipment, then be sure to do your own inventory for insurance purposes. You can't appraise your own quilts but the fees for appraisals are quite reasonable.
I'm the first certified appraiser in central/southern Utah and I'll be appraising at quilt fest. I look forward to seeing your quilts (we charge a reduced fee as a UQG member benefit).
Sandra Starley
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