Sunday, January 14, 2018

I will win!

Day 6 of the Cold-Flu 
that has consumed me.

Yesterday, I felt a little better
and needed to run some errands.

I made it to the library
(very overdue DVD's)

I made it to my LQS
(2nd Saturday BOM pickup)

I made it to the Bank and
I made it to the store for
more medicine.

Then I came home and
collapsed on the couch for
the rest of the day.

Sewing this week? Nope
Knitting? about 2 inches of a hat

Hand stitching? Nada

I will beat this flu...I will overcome it!

Today, I am going to attempt to 
cut the 2" squares for the 
final row on my 
Trip Around the World top.

Hopefully I can hand stitch
some squares today. I have
plans to hand quilt the top
this Winter.

What are you Slow Sunday Stitching?


Sherrie said...

Hope your feeling better soon. Love the
Around the World quilt, very pretty.
Have a great day!

Deb A said...

Beautiful trip quilt! Hope you feel better after resting today so you can get a little hand stitching in. The good thing about our crafting projects - they always wait patiently for us to work on them. Sending healing thoughts.

Sarah said...

Poor you. There is a lot of flu going around! I hope you get some stitching done today.

Quilter Kathy said...

Me too! It sure takes all the fun away from living!
Love the colour of your knitting project!

Anonymous said...

Overcome by resting! Live to fight another day. ps--Your round the world quilt is looking better every time I see it!