Sunday, August 7, 2011

Two weeks of fabric stash busting

I wish I could say I have been going gang busters,
or rather, fabric busters, the last couple weeks.....

Alas, I have not!
I did finish a charity quilt tho!

Fabric in this week: 0
Fabric in YTD: 39 yards

Fabric used this week: 4 yards
Fabric used YTD: 107 Yards

Yards adjustment: 68 yards

Goals for the week of Aug 8-13

Make & Create:
Finish binding on one quilt
Attend quilt show in Brigham
Finish embroidery on Bird BOM

Health & Weight:
Make and eat dinner every night by 7pm
Record all food on Sparks people
Start 100 day exercise program

How are you doing?


SpinningStar said...

You are still doing great for the year in stashbusting - good luck on all of your goals this week.

Amy said...

Agreed. Your numbers look great!