Sunday, August 14, 2011

Fabric Stash Report

No changes!
This was our last official week of Summer,
so we tried to do all those last of Summer outside projects:

Removed a 8 foot bush/tree
Stripped the paint/varnish off the 3 furniture pieces
Trimmed down many other yard flowers/bushes

Husband goes back to the Jr. High on Tuesday,
with the students following the next Monday.

Daughter is at her 6-week post baby date,
so she can go back to work too.

And me...
I tend to organize my schedule
from September-August, so I am planning
out my life for the next year.

Sewing/Quilting projects
Learning to knit
Books I want to read
Places I want to visit
2012-year of the Big Celebration
(my 50th/our 30th anniversay)

No weekly goals this week...

How are you doing on your goals?


Kathie said...

sounds like you were way to busy to sew.

Mary said...

Good luck on your goals for the upcoming months.

SpinningStar said...

Ah... goals for the year. I hope you are successful in meeting all of them. What books are you planning to read? I think I reserved too many at the library - they are all arriving and I'm behind! thank goodness for being able to renew via the web.