Okay, so I was feeling out of sorts socially, and I got a new calling at Church-Ward Activities Chairman. Okay, I am going to definitely be more social. This week, I went to Quilt Meeting......
I thought I had missed the meeting while in the Hospital, only to find it had been moved to this week because of maintenance at the city building we usually meet in. November meeting is always the meeting where we elect the next years board members and try to wrap up any year long projects we have been working on.
So, let me introduce you to the 2009 Syracuse Utah Quilters new president.....me! Yes, I am the new president. Kind of scary, huh! It is for me. I have been on the planning committee this year with two other ladies.
Next in my life.....I have a new member of the family, at least, for the next few weeks. A friend of V's, who was living in a foster care home, was told she was 18 years old and
graduated from High School and it was time to move out.....now! She called V a week ago about midnight and said she had to be out now. D is a good girl, so it hasn't been a problem to have her here. If anything, it's kind of made V be home a little bit more, so we've had more than just hubby and I at the table for dinner. She works with V, so they trade off shifts, and clothes and I think V has kind of enjoyed sharing a room with her. V's cat, Izzy, is not happy about a new person in their room, so she sleeps in the rocking chair in our bedroom now.
I said a while ago that I could not find anything I liked to decorate my kitchen with the theme of honey bees and beehives. I was shopping at
Michaels and wandered down their Christmas village isle and there it was....

Buzz's honey pot house. It was even on sale 50% off too! It fits perfect on the shelf above the phone and has all the things I wanted....honey bees and beehives and no honey bears! Not somewhere I would have thought to look, but it works! It's one of the new 2008 Lemax Christmas houses.
In closing:Okay, I am the President of a Quilt Chapter here in Utah....I need ANY suggestions you have done at your group or guild....anything, folks! Our group always has a luncheon and gift exchange in December, and one of the Summer meetings is a luncheon and a challenge fabric show by our members, but that leaves 10 months of meetings.....share, PLEASE!