Sunday, March 4, 2018

Snow Sunday Stitching

For days, the Weatherman has said
we were going to get buried in Snow.
Each day, they would move the Storm
to another day.

This arrived!

Snow = stay inside and stitch

I am appliqueing flowers and leaves
to various pieced quilt blocks.

 The blocks are part of a UFO project
I was going to do for another month, 
but decided to start doing the hand
work on Sundays.

I am using 30's-50's prints for this project.
I love Vintage colors and patterns.

I have sewn all the pieced blocks.
Now to finish piecing and appliqueing.

What are you Slow Stitching?


Karen said...

I am also working on a Lori Smith quilt project.

Tanya Quilts in CO said...

This looks like a fabulous project! Send some of that snow my way--in western Colorado we are having a terrible drought.

Jill said...

Like your snow equation. :-) Those diagonal baskets are a favorite. It will look extra nice it will look with appliqué flowers.