Friday, April 5, 2013

Day 5: On the Needle

I just checked my blog and my posts
for Days 2-4 have disappeared.
Hhmmmm...where did they go?
Day 5: On the Needle.
I am beginning to learn to knit socks.
I am following the book,
plus the great help from the ladies
in my knit group. I am doing a swatch
I am ready to start the actual sock, I think.
What's On the Needle at your house?


Judy D in WA said...

Yeah you! Exciting. I remember the first sock. I bet I started over 10 times. :) But I was determined.
You'll do great. Can't wait to see.

InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

Good luck! It's been a while since I've knit socks so I have to go through my "notes".

Teresa in Music City said...

You go girl!!! I'll be watching you for inspiration LOL!!!