I love Christmas!
I love celebrating Christmas!
I love decorating for Christmas.
I have three decorating themes
that I change up each year for
Christmas....The Nativity,
The Ocean and Trees and Birds.
I usually decorate every other year
with The Nativity, and the other
years with either the Ocean or Nature.
This year, it is the Nativity.
Years ago, I purchased some
preprinted panels of three
Wise Men dolls. I added
embroidery, then sewed and stuff
a set for two out of three of my
children's families.
I have another set ready to stuff
and hand sew for my daughters
family. Hopefully I will also
finish a last set for me too.
I am going to continue working on
the cross-stitch Nativity banner
(I have posted about the last month)
but it may not be finished this year.
What are you Slow Sunday Stitching?