Saturday, December 8, 2012

My Pinterest attempt

I enjoy looking at Pinterest...
so many ideas!
Here is my attempt at a
button Christmas ornament.
Pinterest idea
My version:
I'm giving it away as part of the
ornament exchange at tonight's
knit group Holiday party.


Tamara Hampton said...

it made me smile. Many years ago a friend and i decided to do a booth at a craft fair. It was for Christmas, so we did a bunch of ornaments and gift items. We worked late into the night one night finishing up merchandise and we got slap happy to the point of, everything we made we said "slap a bow on it, it will look great!" so yours is missing the bow and you need to slap a bow on it and it will look great!

Judy D in WA said...

Very cute! I love Pinterest but oh boy, it sucks me in sometimes and I have a hard time escaping. :) I've found some pretty fabulous things there.....and the recipes!!