Monday, December 31, 2012

JEFF FOXWORTHY says you're a UTAHN if...

If someone in a Home Depot store offers you assistance and they don't work there, you live in Utah.
If you've worn shorts and a parka at the same time, you live in Utah.
If you've had a lengthy telephone conversation with someone who dialed the wrong number, you live in Utah.
If 'vacation' means going anywhere south of Salt Lake City for the weekend, you live in Utah.
If you measure distance in hours, you live in Utah.
If you know several people who have hit a deer more than once, you live in Utah.
If you have switched from 'heat' to 'A/C' and back again in the same day, you live in Utah.
If you install security lights on your house and garage but leave both unlocked, you live in Utah.
If you can drive 75 mph through 2 feet of snow during a raging blizzard without flinching, you live in Utah.
If you design your kid's Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit, you live in Utah.
If the speed limit on the highway is 75 mph -- you're going 80, and everyone is still passing you, you live in Utah.
If driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with snow, you live in Utah.
If you know all 4 seasons: almost winter, winter, still winter, and road construction, you live in Utah.
If you find 10 degrees 'a little chilly' you live in Utah.
If you actually understand these jokes you likely live in Utah.
~Jeff Foxworthy
Happy New Year from snowy Utah!

Get it Done UFO for 2013

I am joining in on Judy's "Get it done" 
project for 2013. Participants list
4 goals they would like to accomplish each month that will finish a UFO.
For January:
#1: Quilt my Welcome wall hanging
#2: Finish quilting and binding Welcome wall hanging.
#3: Tie and bind granddaughters purple quilt
#4: Bind daughters birthday quilt
I am not including photos of the last two since they are gifts.
What project plans do you have for 2013?

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Last Stash Busting Report for 2012

2012 is coming to an end
and so are my Stash Busting Reports.
So, without further delay....
Fabric in this month: 0 yards
Fabric in YTD: 0 yards
Fabric out this month: 6 yards
Fabric out YTD: 113.5 yards
I made my goal...and then some!
My 2012 goal was to use 100 yards
and I used up!!!!!!
I also had the goal to not purchase
any fabric during 2012, and I completed
that goal too!
So, how is your end of the year report looking.....

Saturday, December 8, 2012

My Pinterest attempt

I enjoy looking at Pinterest...
so many ideas!
Here is my attempt at a
button Christmas ornament.
Pinterest idea
My version:
I'm giving it away as part of the
ornament exchange at tonight's
knit group Holiday party.