Thursday, July 19, 2018

I like...

….unplanned time!

I know, it's a strange "like", but
this Summer, my time and schedule
has been so planned out, that I am
ready for some free time...

Time to do whatever I want...

No deadlines to meet...

No expectations of others to fulfill...

I want to go for a picnic in the Mountains

I want to sew for as long as I want

I want to read into the night

and maybe all day too!

I like unscheduled time!

See other lovely "I like" posts at


Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi Suzanne! Oh, your unscheduled time sounds like what I would like for unscheduled time. The picnic in the mountains would be quite a drive for me, but instead maybe a picnic by Lake Michigan. Sew as long as I want - yes please. Read into the night and maybe all day too - yes indeed!! I really do need to sew as long as I want because I have a couple of deadlines this weekend. Eek!
Happy Thursday! ~smile~ Roseanne

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Oh, me, too! I hope you get to do all those things soon!

PaintedThread said...

LOL. I tried to schedule some unplanned time and it got all used up! Good luck with yours. :-)

LA Paylor said...

Me too sister! Not much better than a day stretched out with no place to go! Add in a clean house with meals already prepared and you'd have nirvana. We started unpacking books last night.

Judy S. said...

My unplanned time disappears way too fast!