Sunday, January 23, 2011

Stash busting report--23 January 2011

Wow...this is going to be some stash busting report!

Are you ready?

Here we go...

Fabric in this week 10 yards (7-muslin & 3-black solid)
Fabric in YTD: 12.5 yards

Fabric out this week:........26 yards!
(Yes...happy dance)
Fabric out YTD: 36 yards

I had 2 king size quilts go to the quilters this week.
She was super speedy and got them done in 2 days.

As impressive as this report is, I will be traveling for the next 2 weeks,
with very little chance of any sewing.
My numbers are going to stay the same for a while

This weeks goals:

Make and create:
1.Keep cutting out signature block pieces.
2.Binding on red 9-patch quilt
3.Binding on E's birthday quilt

Health & Weight loss:
1.Wear pedometer-make sure to wear it on trip
2.Organize eating/snack plan for when I am traveling
3.Increase my water consumption

I will be away from technology for about 2 weeks.
I hope you are enjoying your creative time as much as I am!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

UFO #6 Top completed

I am taking part in Judy's 12 month UFO challenge
and for January this is #6 off of my UFO list.

I made this red scrappy 9-patch as a group project
in my local quilt guild in 2009

Today I added the 4 borders.
I still need to decide what to back the quilt with tho.
The top measures 100" X 120".
I am known for my pieced backing which use up lots of scraps.
Just not sure I want to do that for this quilt.

(Update: Backing is made.
Used 98" wide muslin, cutting it length wise
and added a 12" X 128" scrappy section of leftover red fabrics)

In closing...
Boomer the cat in one of his favorite hiding places!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Martin Luther King Day

"Life's most persistent and urgent question is,  
'What are you doing for others?'"

                                                 -Martin Luther King

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Stashbusting Report

Another week...some more busting, but
I don't really have anything to declare because
my projects were small blocks, so

Fabric in this week: 2.5 yards (muslin)
Fabric in YTD: 2.5 yards

Fabric out YTD: 10 yards

Goals for the week January 17-22:

Make and Create:
Put borders (muslin) on #6 UFO 9-patch top
Finish Journal quilt for Jan 8-14 and 15-21

Health and Weight:
Attend gym at least 4 times this week
Do not go out for any meals this week

(For those who have asked...I did quit drinking soda.
It hasn't been as difficult as I thought)

What are your plans for the week?

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Bird BOM-January

While sitting home sick yesterday,
I decided I might as well do my January block.

Many of the other quilters are using
Spring or Summer themed fabric lines
for the block borders.
I decided to use green and browns, like trees.
Plus, it will use up some more scraps!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Journal Quilt Jan 1-7

I finished my first journal quilt block for 2011.

I want to try and do one each week,
to show what happened during that 7 days,
plus try out some new techniques on a small scale.

This week:
Listed my Make and Create goals for 2011
Tried some thread painting-tree with snow on the limbs
Words describing the freezing weather
Tried out some new stitches in red thread-favorite color
Wrote down my thoughts about my Dad-1st anniversary of his passing

Hopefully future photos will be better.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I changed my mind!

I said this was going to be my year of finishes and no new starts..

I changed my mind!

I found this on BOM project

and fell in love with it.

I love birds!

If you are interested in joining in too,
you can find the first block here

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Took a photo!

Here is a photo of the
crochet scrap yarn quilt I am making.
I have been stash busting fabric for the last 2 years
and decided 2011 was the year to also use up all my yarn scraps.
I am learning how to knit this year,
but learned to crochet as a child.
Lots of ends of skeins were in a box.
I am now down to 4 skeins.

The pattern reminds me of the Gee Bend quilt exhibitin I saw in South Carolina this last Summer.

Jan 9 Stash Report

Fabric in: 0 yards

Fabric out: 10 yards

I was able to sew my daughter E's birthday gift.
Sorry I can't post a photo...
She reads my blog!

I did make a sample stuffed bird,
but am not sure I like it yet.

I did plan out my borders for the red 9-patch top
Unfortunately, I don't have the matching muslin
to finish out my border plans.
Trip to the fabric store this week!

This weeks goals:

Make & Create-

Attend monthly quilt guild meeting
Keep working on crochet scrap quilt
Make 2 journal quilts

Health & Weight-

Swim 2 times this week
5 Cardio workouts this week
Eat breakfast each morning

(I quit drinking soda this week-yeah!)

How did your week go?

Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011 1st Stash Busting Report

I haven't sewn anything over the week,
so I will just post my 2011 goal...

2011 goal-100 yards!

How about you?

Besides fabric stash busting,
I am also doing the 12 month UFO challenge
at Judy's website

January's project will be my
red 9-patch quilt top.
It needs borders,
then I will send it out to be quilted.

This weeks goals:

Make and create-
Start drawing out borders for 9-patch top
Make sample of bird ornament
Work on E's birthday gift

Walk one mile 5 days
Swim 2 days
Stop drinking soda

Looking forward to a year of many finishes
and some great creative adventures!