Sunday, May 1, 2011

Fabric stash report

Crazy week with no sewing!

My husband is slowly recovering surgery,
which has translated into me doing many things
that I normally don't do here at home.

Trash duty and mowing lawns....
I have discovered something-
I am a kept woman!

I also spent some time in Idaho with my family.
My Nephew was too young to die,
but I am so glad he is not in pain anymore.

Goals for May 2-7:

Make & Create:
Binding on granddaughters quilt
Embroidery on May Bird block
Attend HMQ show in Salt Lake
(working at the QOV booth on Thursday morning-come see me!)

Health & Weight:
Walk each day (Mon-Sat)
Plan & make dinner daily-no fast food
No cow dairy-almond milk only

What are your plans for the week?


Amy said...

Sorry for the loss of your nephew. Glad you were able to spend some time with your family. Wishing your husband a speedy recovery.

MB in MI said...

you're in my prayers.

SpinningStar said...

Prayers for you and your are dealing with a lot with sickness - take care of yourself too!

Melanie said...

I'm sorry for the loss of your nephew. Liz said it best when she said to take care of yourself. Sometimes we get so caught up in caring for others we make ourselves sick.

Rabid Quilter from California said...

I like your idea for goals for the week. I'm going to try that. Sad about your nephew. Remember the good times. . .